Thursday, December 21, 2023

Homeopathic medicine Rhus toxicodendron

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox, derived from poison ivy, has a range of applications due to its unique properties. Here are some common uses:

1. Arthritis Relief:  Rhus Tox is often recommended for arthritis, especially when joints feel stiff and painful, and the discomfort improves with movement.

2. Back Pain: Individuals experiencing lower back pain, particularly when the pain is worse after initial rest and improves with continued movement, might find relief with Rhus Tox.

3. Muscle Strains and Sprains: It is indicated for muscle strains and sprains, where there is soreness and stiffness, and the pain eases with gentle motion.

4. Rheumatic Conditions: In various rheumatic conditions involving joints and muscles, Rhus Tox may be considered when symptoms align with its characteristic indications.

5. Flu-Like Symptoms: Rhus Tox is sometimes used for flu-like symptoms, such as restlessness, aching, and stiffness, especially when worsened by initial rest and improved with continued activity.

6. Skin Conditions: In some cases, Rhus Tox is utilized for certain skin conditions with symptoms resembling poison ivyexposure, such as redness, itching, and blistering.

Remember, it's crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for individualized advice. Homeopathic remedies are selected based on a person's specific symptoms, and self-prescription may not yield optimal results.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



Is Adult Acne holding you back?

Why do we get acne as adults and what can we do to get rid of it?

It's frustrating when you don’t know what’s causing the acne !!! 

What causes adult acne?

1. Hormonal fluctuations – period, pregnancy, menopause and the pills. 

2.  An increase of androgens like testosterone. 

3. Overproduction of sebum can cause oily skin, clogged pores and acne. 

4. Stress and lifestyle factors can worsen acne. 

What is the difference between adult and teenage acne?

1. Adult acne is often caused by the body’s inability to get rid of excess hormones. It tends to be harder to treat and is more prone to cystic acne. It often pops up in the chin and neck area.

2. Teenagers' acne is often caused by an increase in hormones during puberty that creates an overproduction of oil. Teenagers often have predominantly blackheads and whiteheads.

What are the different kinds of acne?

1.Whitehead – Whiteheads are created when a clump of keratin and sebum gets stuck in a pore and creates a little bump under the skin.

2. Blackhead – Blackheads are those little black dots that can often be seen on or around the nose. They are the same as whiteheads, except that the pore is open, so the content is exposed to air, oxidises and becomes black.

3. Inflammed blemishescreated when clogged pores get inflamed and start inflaming the area around it. They present either as painful red bumps under the skin, or large with visible pus.

What can we do?

First of all, make sure that you are using the right skin care for your skin. Every skin type is different and even dry skin types can experience excess oil and breakouts.

1. Do not over-cleanse as this may cause the skin to produce even more oil.

2. Occasionally exfoliate your skin - this can help prevent clogged pores

3. Look for ingredients that have soothing properties – like Cica.

Don’t let oily skin and acne stop you from enjoying life. It's time to take control of your acne. 

The NovAge Clarifying System  treats three factors affecting acne development – from excess oil to full-blown inflamed breakouts.

            Try the products:

* NovAge Oil Balance Solution  Code(34508)      

It reduces excess oil and minimizes the appearance of pores. 

* NovAge Breakout-Defence Emulsion.  Code(45252)

It Prevents and reduces clogged pores, blemishes and acne scars. It contains the powerful soothing ingredient Cica.

* NovAge 24-Hour Blemish Correction  Code(45253) 

It's Spot treatment that reduces blemish size within 24 hours.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

(جلد کی دیکھ بھال). Skin Care Routine

 جلد کی دیکھ بھال کے ایک اچھے معمول میں درج ذیل اقدامات شامل ہونے چاہئیں

مزید معلومات کے لیے  انسٹاگرام  فالو کریں اور

میسج کریں ۔ دیے گۓ لنک کو دبائیں

صفائی:  جلد سے گندگی، میک اپ اور  نجاست کو دور کرنے کے لیے نرم کلینزر کا استعمال کریں.      



Clarifying Creamy Cleanser

PKR1,939.0   Code#42609 150  ml.

ٹوننگ: جلد کے قدرتی پی ایچ توازن کو بحال کرنے اور اسے اگلے مرحلے کے لیے تیار کرنے کے لیے ٹونر کا استعمال کریں۔


Comforting Facial Toner

PKR1,939.0   Code # 42590 150  ml.

ایکسفولیئٹنگ:  جلد کے مردہ خلیات کو ہٹانے اور جلد کی ساخت کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے نرم ایکسفولیٹنگ پروڈکٹ یا ٹول  استعمال کری


Exfoliating Face Scrub

PKR1,299.0  Code# 32418 75  ml.                       ۔

سیرم اور علاج: ایسے سیرم یا علاج کا استعمال کریں جو جلد کی مخصوص پریشانیوں کو نشانہ بناتے ہیں، جیسے مہاسے، جھریاں، یا سیاہ دھبے.      ۔


Even Out Serum

PKR3,229.0   Code# 42556 30  ml. 

موئسچرائزنگ:  جلد کو ہائیڈریٹ کرنے کے لیے موئسچرائزر کا استعمال کریں اور اس کی قدرتی نمی کو برقرار رکھنے میں مدد کریں. 


Even Out Preventing Day Cream SPF 20

PKR2,099.0 Code#32479 50ml.                                  

سورج کی شعاعوں سے حفاظت: جلد کو شعاعوں کے نقصان دہ اثرات سے بچانے کے لیے سن اسکرین کا استعمال کریں.                  ۔   


Multi-Protection UV Day Shield SPF 50

PKR2,329.0   Code#42671

30  ml.

دیے گۓ پروڈکٹس کو منگوانے کے لیے

میرا انسٹاگرام  فالو کریں 

مزید معلومات کے لیے  انسٹاگرام  فالو کریں اور

میسج کریں ۔ دیے گۓ لنک کو دبائیں  شکریہ ۔

Friday, March 5, 2021

Pi(Digital Currency)


      Hi Everyone, 

Everyone is anxious  to know about the new Cryptocurrency "Pi". Let's understand what Pi is? and how it will work?

What is Pi?

Pi is a new cryptocurrency for and by everyday people that you can “mine” (or earn) from your phone.

Cryptocurrencies are new forms of digital money that are maintained and secured by a community, instead of by governments or banks. Today, you can mine (or earn) Pi by helping to secure the currency and by growing Pi’s trusted network. While most cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) have been very hard for everyday people to use and access, Pi puts the power of cryptocurrency into the palm of your hand.

Pi is a long-term project whose success depends on the collective contributions of its members. 

Pi is dedicated to helping everyday people capture more economic value that today goes to banks, technology giants (e.g., Facebook, Amazon), and other intermediaries. Pi depends on the collective contributions of its members. 

Is this real? Is Pi a scam?

Pi is not a scam. It is a genuine effort by a team of Stanford graduates to give everyday people greater access to cryptocurrency.

Pi’s core team is led by two Stanford PhDs and one Stanford MBA, all of whom helped build Stanford’s blockchain community.The team cannot guarantee that the project will succeed. However, the team does promise to work their hardest to make their shared dreams a reality, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity. You can learn more about Pi in the “Core Team” page in the main menu of the app.

How does this app work? How do I earn more Pi?

This app allows you to earn Pi by making simple contributions to Pi’s community. The more you contribute, the more Pi you earn.

To start earning Pi, check in every 24 hours and hit the lightning button to start mining. 

Once you are mining, you can boost your hourly rate by inviting trusted friends and family to join the community. 

After 3 days of mining, you can boost your earnings more by building your security circle, which contributes to the overall security of the network. Keep in mind, earlier members of the network mine at a higher rate than those that come after them.

Do I need to leave the app open to mine? Does the app drain my battery or data?

You do not need to leave the app open to mine. Pi does not affect your phone’s performance, drain your battery, or use your network data. Once you hit the lightning button, you can even close the app and you will continue to mine Pi.

So how can you mine a cryptocurrency without draining your battery or data? 

Instead of burning energy as proof of work cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin do, Pi secures its ledger when members vouch for each other as trustworthy. This forms a network of interlocking “security circles” that determines who can execute transactions. This novel approach allows crypto mining on your phone by leveraging your existing social connections, with no financial cost, no battery drain and a light footprint on the planet. Read the technical section in  White paper section of the app for a more accurate and detailed explanation.

Why do earlier members mine at a higher rate?

Earlier members mine at a higher rate to reward contributions to the network when they are most needed.

Pi aims to be the world’s most widely used and distributed cryptocurrency. To achieve that goal, Pi incentivizes its earliest members to make contributions that will ensure its success (e.g., securing and growing the network). To reflect the importance of early contributions, the rate of mining decreases as more people join the network. At this time, the base rate of mining halves every time the number of active users increases by a factor of 10. This rate will eventually fall to 0 when the network reaches a certain number of users (e.g. 10 million or 100 million). At that point, just like Bitcoin, miners will continue to be rewarded through transaction fees and not through the minting of new currency.

What is the Ambassador role? How does the earning team work?

As an Ambassador, you earn up to a 25% bonus on your base mining rate for each person you invite to the network.

You become an Ambassador when new members join your earning team by using your invitation code when they sign up for Pi Network. Each member of your earning team provides a 25% boost to your earnings when they are actively mining. A new member can only be added to their inviter’s earning team, because each member only joins Pi once using one inviter’s invitation code. In other words, unlike the security circles where people can be added into multiple member’ circles based on trust, earning teams are fixed based on who invited whom. Each invitee in the world can only be claimed by one inviter.

What is the Contributor role? 

How do I become a contributor?

Becoming a Contributor allows you to earn more Pi by building a security circle of 3-5 trusted members.

Pi’s Contributor role becomes unlocked for users after you’ve finished 3 mining sessions as a Pioneer. After 3 days of mining, you will see a new icon of the security circle on the home screen of the app which you can click to start. To become a contributor, you need to add 3-5 people who you trust to your security circle.

What are security circles?

Security circles are groups of 3-5 trusted people built by each of Pi’s members. Security circles secure the currency by building a global trust graph that prevents bad actors from executing fraudulent transactions.

While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin secure their ledgers by forcing miners to burn energy (proof of work), Pi secures its ledger when its members  confirm for each other as trustworthy. Pi’s Contributors confirm for each other by building security circles made up of 3-5 members they consider as trustworthy. Security circles should consist of people you trust not to execute fraudulent transactions. The network’s security circles form a global trust graph that determines who can be trusted to execute transactions on Pi’s ledger.

What is the value of Pi?

Today Pi is worth approximately 0 dollars / euro etc. similar to Bitcoin in 2008. Pi’s value will be backed by the time, attention, goods, and services offered by other members of the network.

By pooling our attention, goods, and services around a common currency, Pi’s members seek to capture more of the value that typically goes to banks, technology giants (e.g., Facebook, Amazon) and other intermediaries.Today, the Pi core team is laying the infrastructure for this digital currency and marketplace by distributing the currency, building the community, and developing the technology to ensure its security.

Can I withdraw my Pi? What is the timeline for withdrawals?

No, you cannot withdraw Pi yet. You will be able to withdraw Pi or exchange Pi for other currencies in Phase 3 of the project when Pi transitions to a fully decentralized blockchain.

Pi launched Phase 1 of the project on 3/14/2019 (Pi Day). During Phase 1, your balances are being recorded with a guarantee of being honored when Pi transitions to mainnet (Phase 3). Transfers of Pi are restricted until the team reaches the mainnet, to prevent bad actors from accumulating Pi from fake accounts. For example, a bad actor could mine from fake accounts, transfer the Pi to a legitimate account, and then pass through Pi’s account verification process despite their illicit gains.Team is still refining the exact development timeline for the project.

When will Pi be worth something? When can I turn Pi into “real” money?

Pi’s holders will be able to turn Pi into “real” money when they either purchase goods and services on Pi’s marketplace or exchange Pi for fiat currency. 

Cryptocurrency holders have two options for turning their holdings into “real” money (or to “cash out”)

1. Directly purchasing goods and services with their crypto that is purchasing goods and services with your Pi. Pi Network is building a peer-to-peer marketplace where our members will be able to directly spend Pi to buy goods and services. The team aims to start experimenting with in-app transfers of Pi as soon as possible. 

 2. Exchanging their crypto for fiat currency (e.g., dollars, euro, etc.) on cryptocurrency exchanges.

This is Pi’s Core Team does not control when cryptocurrency exchanges (like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken etc.) decide to list Pi. However, Pi will be able to be traded in Phase 3 of the project (i.e., Mainnet). At that point, exchanges can choose to list Pi. In the meanwhile, Pi’s core team is focused on implementing their technical roadmap to reach phase 3.

Can I mine from more than one device? How does the network prevent fake accounts, bots, etc. from earning Pi?

No, you cannot mine from more than one device. The network has a strict rule of one account per person. Pi uses a multi-pronged strategy to ensure Pi is not mined by fake accounts. 

First, the network uses Google’s recaptcha v3 to know if a device is operated by a human or a machine. (This technology is completely invisible to most users, since they are real humans, but bots may start seeing captchas if google’s algorithm catches them). Over time,the team is also developing a machine learning algorithm based on real users’ mining behavior to predict bots.

Second, Pi’s consensus algorithm requirement (security circles) make it easy to detect fake accounts. Fake accounts will not have enough real people pointing at them via security circles. At best, fake accounts would be pointing at each other with very few incoming pointers from the rest of the network. This anomaly is easy to detect with computer algorithms.

Finally, when Pi enters its 3rd and final phase - Mainnet, only accounts validated as belonging to distinct real individuals will be honored. In other words, even if all other methods missed out on some “bot” accounts, this user validation process will further eliminate them because bot owners will not be able to prove bots as real people with real names.The teams is currently exploring decentralized KYC processes that would be minimally intrusive.

Is this app a wallet? Will we hold our own private / public keys? And can we use an external wallet to hold our Pi in the future?

Yes,your phones will serve as a cryptocurrency wallet that will be linked to your current accounts (number / Facebook).

Like with any other public blockchain, Pi’s blockchain will also allow in-app/external wallets to hold Pi and transact with it, by submitting transactions to the blockchain directly. This is a functionality that the team has currently scheduled to be provided on the Phase 3 of the project. (as a reminder the team is now on phase 1 - distribution of the currency - the team will then launch a Testnet as phase 2, and phase 3 is when the mainnet will be live). During phase 3 of the project, you will also have the option to take full ownership of your private / public keys.

Pi aims to be much more accessible to everyday people which is why the team is trying to build this integrated interface. The team has chosen this phased implementation to make it easier for everyday people to use. Pi is still in  its early days, and is excited for the road ahead of them. 

If anyone wishes to become a member of the Pi Network then download the Pi app and sign with your Facebook account or your mobile number and use my username (fozia623) as your invitation code.


I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 10 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (fozia623) as your invitation code.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Anal Fissure 



Anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large dry stools  during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. You may also experience spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of your anus. 


1. A visible tear in the skin around your anus. 

2.  A skin tag or a small lump of skin next to the tear. 

3.  Streaks of blood on stools or on toilet paper after wiping. 

4.  Sharp pain in the anal area during bowel movements. 

5.  Burning, swelling or itching in the anal area. 


Common causes of anal fissure include. 

1.  Passing large or hard stools. 

2.  Constipation and straining during bowel movements. 

3.  Chronic diarrhea. 

4.  Childbirth. 

5.  Anal intercourse. 

Less common causes of anal fissures include. 

1.  Crohn's disease or another inflammatory bowel disease.

2.  Anal cancer. 

3.  HIV. 

4.  Tuberculosis. 

5.  Syphilis. 


An anal fissure cannot always be prevented, but following preventive measures can be taken to reduce the risk of  getting anal fissure. 

1.  Drinking  plenty of fluids. 

2. Eating fibrous foods.

Fiber-rich foods include:

*Wheat bran

*Oat bran

*Whole grains, including brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn, and whole-grain pastas, cereals, and breads

*Peas and beans

*Seeds and nuts

*Citrus fruits

*Prunes and prune juice

3. Avoid Foods that cause constipation and aggravate fissures. These include high fat and low fiber snacks like chips and sugary doughnuts, cheesy pizza, and burger etc., if you are dealing with tummy troubles. Frozen meals, packaged foods, and convenience meat products which go through a lot of processing and are also high in sodium. They can make your bowel movement tough. If constipation problem is not treated in time, it can make your anal fissure worse.

4.  Avoid  Enriched or Refined flour as it is heavily processed flour that has no germ or bran and all necessary nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber content are lost during processing . Therefore, enriched bread, pasta, cereals and snack foods should be replaced with whole grain food items.  If you maintain your daily fiber intake from 25 to 30 gm per day, you can avoid painful, thick stool and  prevent constipation.

5. Avoid Added sugars as it only adds calories and contains no nutritional values. Eating too many sugary foods can disturb your digestive health. So, try to cut down on sugary items such as jellies, candies, ice-creams, sugary cereals, and sweetened drinks, etc.

6. Avoid High-fat Meats as Fatty meats like bacon, pork, beef sticks, and lamb are high in saturated fat and low in fiber. Apart from constipation, fatty foods increase your chances of developing obesity and diabetes also.  So Instead of choosing a meat-rich diet you should prefer fiber-rich protein sources like chickpeas, black beans, lentils, and split peas, etc.

7. Exercising regularly to avoid constipation. 

8. Treating diarrhea immediately.

9. Cleansing the anal area gently with mild soap and warm water and keeping the anal area dry. 

10. Changing infants’ diapers frequently. 

11. Do not strain while passing hard and dry stool. It is helpful to apply Vaseline on anal region  to let stool slip  easily. It is a well-known fact that coconut oil works as an excellent lubricant and also makes it easier for hard stool to pass. The medicinal properties of coconut oil help treat wounds, sores and other skin lesions. It is safe and works as a positive healing agent for fissure wounds.

12. Avoid cooking in Aluminum vessels. Long term use of Aluminum can lead to poisoning and in turn constipation. 

13. Avoid Laxatives and Purgatives for treating constipation as long-time use can form a habit and when you stop taking them it may cause severe constipation. 


Anal fissures often heal within a few weeks if you take steps to keep your stool soft, such as increasing your intake of fiber and fluids. Soaking in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes several times a day, especially after bowel movements, can help relax the sphincter and promote healing.

If your symptoms persist, you'll likely need further treatment.

Nonsurgical treatments

*Externally applied nitroglycerin  helps increase blood flow to the fissure and promote healing and to help relax the anal sphincter. Nitroglycerin is generally considered the medical treatment of choice when other conservative measures fail. Side effects may include headache.

*Steroid creams, to help relieve discomfort.

*Botulin toxin type A (Botox) injection, to paralyze the anal sphincter muscle and relax spasms.

*Blood pressure medications which can help relax the anal sphincter. These medications may be taken by mouth or applied externally and may be used when nitroglycerin is not effective or causes significant side effects.


If you have a chronic anal fissure that is resistant to other treatments or if your symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend surgery. Surgery usually involves cutting a small portion of the anal sphincter muscle to reduce spasm and pain and promote healing. Surgery has a small risk of causing incontinence.


Some of the Homeopathic medicines  used in anal fissure  without having any side effects are:-

Bryonia,Alumina, Sulphur and Nat. Mure can be used to avoid constipation. 

Silicea  to promote healing



Cal. Flour



Nitric acid 

Aesculus. Hip



Thursday, October 8, 2020



By H/Dr. FNAwan 


Headache is defined as a pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. The pain originates from the tissues and structures that surround the skull or the brain because the brain itself has no nerves that give rise to the sensation of pain (pain fibers). The thin layer of tissue (periosteum) that surrounds bones, muscles that encase the skull, sinuses, eyes, and ears, as well as thin tissues that cover the surface of the brain and spinal cord,  meninges , arteries, veins, and nerves, all can become inflamed or irritated and cause headache.

 The pain may be a dull ache, sharp, throbbing, constant, intermittent, mild, or intense.

Categories of headache

There are three major categories of headache based upon the source of the pain.

1.Primary headaches

2.Secondary headaches

3.Cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches 


A primary headache is when the headache itself is the main problem. It is not a symptom of an underlying disease or condition. While the pain from primary headaches can be disabling, the headaches are not dangerous. The brain cannot feel pain, so the pain associated with primary headache comes from the inflammation of pain sensitive parts of the body in and around the neck and head, including:


Blood vessels


There are several categories of primary headaches. Some of the most common types of primary headaches include:

1.tension headaches 


3. cluster headaches

4.Hypnic headache

and a variety of other less common types of headaches.

1.Tension headaches

Tension headaches are the most common types of primary headaches .They are often referred to as "hatband" headaches because they are typically painful around the back of the head, the temples and forehead, as if a tight hat were in place. They tend to be pressure-like at onset and can last from hours to days. Tension headaches can co-exist with migraine, and one can transform or trigger the other. 

Tension headache is often responsive to physical therapy, relaxation therapy and anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxants.

Tension headaches occur more commonly among women than men. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 20 people in the developed world suffer with a daily tension headache.

The most likely cause is contraction of the muscles that cover the skull. When the muscles covering the skull are stressed, they may become inflamed, go into spasm, and cause pain. Common sites include the base of the skull where the trapezius muscles of the neck insert, the temples where muscles that move the jaw are located, and the forehead.

There is little research to confirm the exact cause of tension headaches. It is believed that tension headaches occur because of physical stress on the muscles of the head. For example, these stressors can cause the muscles surrounding the skull to clench the teeth and go into spasm. Physical stressors include difficult and prolonged manual labor, or sitting at a desk or computer concentrating for long periods. Emotional stress also might cause tension headaches by causing the muscles surrounding the skull to contract.

2.Migraine headaches 

Migraine headaches are the second most common type of primary headache. The term "migraine" refers to a headache which is usually (but not always) on one side of the head. It is a headache that lasts from 2-72 hours  and it is often associated with nausea and/or vomiting, sensitivity to light and/or sound. The character of the pain is  throbbing pain. Migraine headaches affect children as well as adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are affected equally by migraine headaches, but after puberty, more women than men are affected. 

Migraine headache is caused by inflammation or irritation of structures that surround the brain or affect its function. While the brain itself has no pain nerve fibers, everything else above the shoulders, from the neck, skull, and face, can cause a person to have head pain. Systemic illnesses, including infection or dehydration, can have associated headache. These are known as toxic headaches. Changes in circulation and blood flow or trauma can also cause headache.

Changes in brain chemistry may also be associated with headache. 

Medication reactions, drug abuse and drug withdrawal can all cause pain.

3.Cluster headaches 

Cluster headaches are a rare type of primary headaches .A cluster headache is a type of headache which is relatively short-lived (compared with migraine) lasting usually between 20 min- 2 hours. It is always one-sided and is associated with symptoms such as 

#a stuffy nose on one side, 


#an enlarged pupil, 

#or a droopy lid. 

It more commonly affects men in their late 20s, though women and children can also suffer from this type of headache. 

The cause of cluster headaches is uncertain but may be due to a sudden release of the chemicals histamine and serotonin in the brain. The hypothalamus, an area located at the base of the brain, is responsible for the body's biological  clock and may be the source for this type of headache.

Cluster headaches also tend to run in families and this suggests that there may be a role for genetics. 

It may also be triggered by changes in sleep patterns,  medications (for example, nitroglycerin used for heart disease), cigarette smoking, alcohol, and some foods (for example, chocolate, and foods high in nitrites like smoked meats)  are also potential causes for headache.

4.Hypnic Headaches 

This is a rare headache form that occurs in people between the ages of 40 and 80. It is unique headache that occurs exclusively at night, typically lasting between 15 and 60 minutes. The headaches tend to occur at the same time each night and tend to be global (not just on one side) and are not associated with runny nose, tearing or other "cluster" features. 


Secondary headaches are those that are due to an underlying structural or infectious problem in the head or neck. This is a very broad group of medical conditions ranging from dental pain from infected teeth or pain from an infected sinus, to life-threatening conditions like bleeding in the brain or infections like encephalitis or meningitis.

Traumatic headaches  fall into this category including post-concussion headaches. 

Medication overuse headaches

This group of headaches also includes those headaches associated with substance abuse and excess use of medications used to treat headaches. 

"Hangover" headaches  fall into this category as well. People who drink too much alcohol may wake up with a well-established headache due to the effects of alcohol and dehydration.

3.Cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches

Neuralgia means nerve pain (neur=nerve + algia=pain). Cranial neuralgia describes inflammation of one of the 12 cranial nerves coming from the brain that control the muscles and carry sensory signals (such as pain) to and from the head and neck. Perhaps the most commonly recognized example is trigeminal neuralgia, which affects cranial nerve V (the trigeminal nerve), the sensory nerve that supplies the face and can cause intense facial pain when irritated or inflamed.


1.Migraine headache is caused by inflammation or irritation of structures that surround the brain or affect its function. While the brain itself has no pain nerve fibers.

2.Everything else above the shoulders, from the neck, skull, and face, disorders of the Neck,Eyes, Brain, Jaw and Teeth can cause a person to have head pain. 

3.Systemic illnesses, including infection or dehydration, can have associated headache. These are known as toxic headaches. 

4.Changes in circulation 

5.blood flow 


7.Changes in brain chemistry may also be associated with headache

8.Medication reactions

9 Drug abuse and 

10.Drug withdrawal can all cause pain.

11.Changing hormone levels 

Other factors, also known as triggers, tend to be environmental or linked to diet. 

12.Pulsating or bright light

13.Certain foods (caffeine, red wine, chocolate, aged cheeses)


15.Sleep (too much or too little). 

Every person is different so the history of the headache is important. Recognizing patterns or precipitating (foods eaten, stress, etc.) factors, in combination with the physical examination and associated symptoms, can help identify the cause for each individual's specific headache.


Some of the medicines used for migraine and tension headache are:

Belladonna, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Ignatia, Iris versicolor, Natrum muriaticum, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Spigelia, Silicea (also called Silica). 

NUX.VOMICA   for Hangover Headaches. 

USNEA.BARBATA    for Cluster Headaches. 

Homeopathic medicine Rhus toxicodendron

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox, derived from poison ivy, has a range of applications due to its unique properties. Here are some common uses:...